Dear Cardinal Rosales,
I am writing in letter to formally apologize for the incident that occurred on September 30, 2010 at the Manila Cathedral.
The protest which I mounted, however passionate and earnest on my part, was done without deliberation. It was my attempt to catch the attention of the Church regarding certain politcal issues but it was not my intention to disrespect the solemnity of the Ecumenical event being celebrated on that day.
I was born and raised a Catholic and my faith only seeks understanding. The state of our country drives me to seek the common good. Perhaps my methods are different from yours, but in my heart I know we all consider the same things: the health and welfare of our countrymen—as well as peace, culture, education, order, and freedom for each one of us.
In this light, I would like to seek peaceful resolution with the Church. I am comforted by the grace of forgiveness and reconciliation that Christ’s Resurrection brought to us. We are constantly given the chance to return to the Father’s house, to reclaim the state of grace that is always there for us to receive as his children.
I hope that we—as mere men—can learn to put aside our differences and work towards a better future together. I have chosen to take up my personal cross, and although it may be difficult for others to understand my reasons for doing so, it is my way of finding peace and love in the world.