Three reasons why I won't order delivery from the UN Avenue Branch of Super Bowl of China anymore...
Hell. Just one reason would be suffice for now: Baby cockroaches in their food.
Yes, I know. Baby cockroaches. Found inside an order of Beef Wanton Noodle Soup. Could there be a bigger nightmare? No. I don't think so.
Well, on second thought, maybe there could be. The reason why the roach is on the napkin is because it was in my mouth first before finally finding it's place on the napkin.
I wanted to die.
So I called them back and told them to take it away. So sad. I really liked their food. But this is totally unforgivable.
Did they pick up the offensive order quickly? Yes. Was I happy about getting my money back? Of course. Am I being vindictive by posting this incident on my blog? Perhaps.
I'll try to post something more interesting next time.