All the Art I Can Fit In My Roller-Skate Case,
Manila, Philippines, Sept/Oct 2006
A one night exhibition and art talk at the Living Room
with curator Marlyne Sahakian
Opening cocktails and talk:
SEPTEMBER 15, 2006
The Living Room
Unit 24, North Syquia, 1991 MH del Pilar, Malate
Featuring works by Bruce Allan (UK), Achot Achot (Armenia), Thomas Bonny (Switzerland), Nathalie Brevet et Hughes Rochette (France), Claudia Camposs (France), Valentin Carron (Switzerland), Veronique Collignon (France), Valerie Dantas Mota (Brazil), Hugo Fortes (Brazil), La Fratrie (France), Archi Galentz (Armenia/Germany), Carl June (Switzerland), Adrien Missika (Switzerland), Ines Raphaelian (Brazil), Behrang Samadzadegan (Iran) and Vazo (Armenia).
She also looking for Filipino artists who would like their art to travel back to Geneva with her. Contact her at: marlynemail@mac.com for any inquiries.
More information about this project and her past curatorships are on this site:
Manila, Philippines, Sept/Oct 2006
A one night exhibition and art talk at the Living Room
with curator Marlyne Sahakian
Opening cocktails and talk:
SEPTEMBER 15, 2006
The Living Room
Unit 24, North Syquia, 1991 MH del Pilar, Malate
Featuring works by Bruce Allan (UK), Achot Achot (Armenia), Thomas Bonny (Switzerland), Nathalie Brevet et Hughes Rochette (France), Claudia Camposs (France), Valentin Carron (Switzerland), Veronique Collignon (France), Valerie Dantas Mota (Brazil), Hugo Fortes (Brazil), La Fratrie (France), Archi Galentz (Armenia/Germany), Carl June (Switzerland), Adrien Missika (Switzerland), Ines Raphaelian (Brazil), Behrang Samadzadegan (Iran) and Vazo (Armenia).
She also looking for Filipino artists who would like their art to travel back to Geneva with her. Contact her at: marlynemail@mac.com for any inquiries.
More information about this project and her past curatorships are on this site: