Manang Elma, my dear helper from the idyllic island of Surigao, is one of the sweetest people I will ever know. So integral is this woman to the functions of my home that she will go through all lengths to make sure that my life runs properly and without interruption even if means having to improvise. So instead of verbally reminding me about the unnecessary frivolity of grocery shopping between my harried tour appointments, she instead tries sending me a subtle hint to get her message across. Believe me, nothing says "we are out of groceries" better than a meal of Royal spaghetti with a sauce made of sliced up street corner fishballs, banana ketchup, tabasco, and leftover crabmeat omelette. Mmmmm... Now, I must admit, I really didn't care much for it. But why do I have a ominous feeling that this recipe will become a hit soon at some Jollibee somewhere...