Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present to you perhaps this year's worst article about the Philippines - both in content and it the way it was written. It's an article that is pointlessly denigrating, badly researched, badly written, and badly classified as the local news in the Honolulu Advertiser. Who the hell is this fart Richard Halloran? Why does he think we are in East Asia? Why won't he name the sources of some of his 'quotes'? And why was he given a damn Pulitzer Prize*? Wha? So please, tell me what you think. Click on the article HERE.
And while you are at it, tell him and the Honolulu Advertiser as well.
oranhall@hawaii.rr.com and @honadv
*And seriously, his Pulitzer doesn't say much. Look up another Pulitzer Prize winner named Walter Duranty (above)...
And while you are at it, tell him and the Honolulu Advertiser as well.
oranhall@hawaii.rr.com and @honadv
*And seriously, his Pulitzer doesn't say much. Look up another Pulitzer Prize winner named Walter Duranty (above)...